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Wickstrom Plumbing Heating & Cooling Wickstrom Plumbing Heating & Cooling
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We Can Help You Reduce Your Water Use!

Repairing or replacing your home’s plumbing system can be costly and time-intensive. It also inconveniences the entire family until the system is up and running again.

Plumbing that is not working correctly may continue to function for a while, but it could increase your water bill and eventually break down altogether. Here are a few tips for efficient plumbing use and care.

Turn off the faucet completely

Avoid letting any of the household faucets drip water. No matter how slow the drip, over time it can wear out the fixture and lead to problems. If you pay for city water, your bill will probably be higher as well. Train the kids to turn off the faucets when they’re done using them, too.

Wash large laundry loads

Instead of washing clothes frequently, wait until you have a regular size load to use the washer and dryer. This will help to reduce the amount of water used, as well as the wear and tear on your plumbing system from constant usage for everyday laundry.

Use dishwasher when full.

The same principle should be applied to dishwashers. Wait until they are full rather than running them with small loads of dirty dishes. Some people wash a few dishes by hand and use the dishwasher for bigger meals with more dishes and cooking pans to wash.

Don’t waste water.

When using an outdoor hose to wash the car or for the kids to play with, don’t leave it running unused any longer than necessary. Pumping countless gallons of water through the plumbing for non-essential use just adds more strain to the plumbing system over time. Turn the hose off and on as needed rather than letting it flow continuously.

Check for leaks.

Once or twice a year check your home’s plumbing system for any signs of leaking. Drips, spots in the wall or floor, a musty or mildewed smell, and signs of mold may indicate the presence of a leak.

If in doubt, contact a professional plumber to check it out for you. If you find leaky pipes, have them fixed immediately before the problem leads to more damage and a more expensive repair bill.

With minimal effort you can keep your plumbing system in good condition for years to come. Keep an eye on household use and check for problems occasionally, and it should continue to work efficiently.

Interested in going green? Call Wickstrom Plumbing Heating & Cooling. at (208) 505-9352to make your Boise home more energy efficient.

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